
Executive communication skills

Professionell in Wort und Schrift

Selbstbewusst das Wort ergreifen, wenn Sie etwas zu sagen haben. Ein Referat halten, das Eindruck macht. Den richtigen Ton treffen, ob mündlich oder schriftlich. Wenn Sie international arbeiten, kann es entscheidend sein, das auch auf Englisch zu beherrschen. 

Welche „Executive Communication Skills“ sind Ihnen wichtig? In unseren Seminaren erarbeiten Sie systematisch die Kommunkationskompetenz, die Sie brauchen. Sie trainieren diese in realistischen Szenarien und erhalten gezieltes Feedback, auf dem Sie aufbauen können. So kommunizieren Sie von Runde zu Runde professioneller.

Whether in business or politics, in expert working groups or on committees - 
don’t hesitate to speak up in international meetings:

  • know what to say when taking the floor or chairing
  • learn essential phrases for

    • stating your positions
    • making proposals and counter-proposals
    • agreeing and disagreeing, etc.

  • get the tone right: formal or informal? diplomatic or direct?
  • practise the kinds of meetings you take part in

    • try out your negotiating strategies in English
    • get comprehensive language support, detailed feedback and practical tips for improvement

2 days

Whether your main aim when presenting is to convince, to inform or to sell –
in this seminar you can kill two birds with one stone:

  • upgrade your presentation skills 

    • starting and finishing well

    • involving your listeners
    • handling visuals and audience questions, etc.

  • improve your professional English

    • learn essential phrases for presentations and discussions
    • practise making prepared as well as spontaneous statements
    • develop your ability to talk about your topics in English

Give 3 presentations in 2 days - on topics relevant to you:

  • systematically work on getting your message across clearly and effectively
  • get comprehensive language support, detailed feedback and practical tips for improvement
  • develop your style of presenting to fit your context

2 days

There is more to public speaking than making presentations.
Be prepared for whatever public speaking scenario awaits you, e.g.:

  • speeches
  • public statements
  • press conferences
  • media interviews

What’s your public speaking challenge? Come and get ready to meet it.
2 days

Speaking is key ... but the written word counts.
Develop your professional writing skills:

  • learn how to write clearly and effectively in English
  • work on getting it right: grammar, vocabulary and style
  • get targeted practice of relevant language structures (e.g. how to write more or less formally, how to create emphasis …)
  • practice your writing skills on the texts you need to write, e.g.:

    • reports & memos
    • proposals & positions
    • letters & e-mails
    • press releases & PR materials
    • speeches & lectures
    • research papers & abstracts, etc.

  • improve your ability to express yourself in English when writing about your topics
  • get detailed, individual feedback on your texts and practical tips for improving your writing

2 days + distance training
Continue your writing practice in the distance training phases between and after the 2 face-to-face sessions, writing your texts in your own time and at your own speed.

Give your meetings skills and your professional English a quick boost:

  • review the language of meetings and negotiations
  • practise 3 different meeting scenarios in 1 day
  • get comprehensive language support, detailed feedback and practical tips for improvement

 1 day

Give your presentations skills and your professional English a quick boost:

  • review essential presentation techniques and the language of presenting
  • prepare and deliver a presentation from your field of work
  • practise using visuals and answering audience questions 
  • get comprehensive language support, detailed feedback and practical tips for improvement

 1 day

Boost your competence and your confidence in three days of intensive, integrated practice.
Set your own priorities, get exactly the mix of Executive Communication Skills you need,  e.g.:

  • presenting a proposal
  • negotiating an agreement
  • drafting a joint text

 3 days

Näheres zu unseren Englisch-Intensivseminaren finden Sie hier, sowie unter FAQ.